
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

"In sickness and in health"

Charleston has been experiencing some pretty bi-polar weather lately. One day it's sunny high of mid 70's, then the next two days are full of clouds, rain, and a high of 50 degree weather. Since the weather can't make up it's mind a lot of people around our area, especially on campus, have been getting sick. Keven, just so happened to fall victim to weather's nasty spell.

Keven was sick for about a week, and it all started when it barely snowed here one night, causing it to get below freezing after we fell asleep. I had a big week ahead for me in school, I had a lab practical, quizzes, homework, and two tests. So this was no time for myself to feel sick, however, when your spouse is sick it's another task to add to the pile. For the first day (Sunday), he pretty much just laid around and tried to get a lot of rest. That did not do the trick going into the week. When I woke up Monday and rolled over to wake Keven up and felt his back really warm, and instantly I thought "oh no, he might have a fever". So I convinced him to get out of bed and try to shower to see if maybe he was just warm from the covers. Now, if you have ever been sick you know how crummy you feel and how you yearn for someone to take care of you, like your mom, roommate, or significant other. Thankfully, Keven had a pretty good care taker all week (not like I'm bragging or anything). Here are a few tips I've learned about taking care of someone you love, even when you may not want to.

1. Make sure they get some rest
There are two kinds of people when you get sick. One type are those who as soon as they have a sore throat immediately think they are sick and need to stay home to get better (when a cough drop, or hot tea could be the answer). Then there are those that want to fight through and don't want the illness to take them away from their schedule (aka Keven). I made sure Keven didn't go to any of our classes on Monday, (which is hard on him because we have quizzes everyday in English and his micro class takes A L O T of notes).

2. Think of how you would want to be cared for
It's easy to get wrapped up with what all you have to do in the mornings, and the easy option may just be to tell them to lay in bed or help themself around for what they need, just so you can make it on time. We don't have a tv in our bedroom, so I set up our ironing board at the foot of our bed, and brought in 4 DVD's I thought he would enjoy while not feeling well. (He chose The Little Rascals, and then home alone--good picks!)

3. Make sure they eat
That morning I was literally running around trying to make him hot tea and toast, and catering to whatever I could get him before I left for 4 hours (enter dramatic tone here). Even though he only ate half a piece a toast, that was still enough for his stomach to hold in order for him to take some Tylenol. (Not a good idea to take medicine on an empty stomach, especially if you are sick).

4. Sick come first, healthy come second
To me it didn't matter that I didn't get dressed or ready until 9:45 AM for my 10:00 AM class, or that I missed breakfast that morning (which if you know me, is a huge deal, I have to have something on my stomach before I start my day. If I don't, it could result in me passing out. Luckily, I packed a cup of Sunny D to have something in my system). While trying to study for my practical that evening, Keven said he still wasn't feeling well and thought he had a temperature. Well, since we didn't have a thermometer or anything besides Tylenol sinus, I told him I would go pick up a few things (at 10:30 pm might I add). I quickly went to Walmart and got a thermometer, covers, NyQuil, Advil, and a heating pad (his neck was tense). Then after getting him situated, again, I was able to finally continue studying sometime around midnight.

5. Patience, patience, and more patience
If your "patient" is sick for less than 24 hours, you have it made! However, if you are my "patient", you are sick for 8 days (all with different symptoms--who doesn't love a guessing game? not...). Constantly remind yourself that they are feeling worse than you, and are depending on you to get them through this mess. I understand after the __ day that you are sick of asking what they would want to eat, or if they don't answer you because their throat or head is hurting, TRUST ME. But, push through and make sure they are taken care of as best as you can, and then continue with your work, studies, and chores.

6. Reschedule items if needed
I tried to make sure I could get Keven well enough for a test he had later that week, and also for when he worked. However, Tuesday evening did not give any good indication that he would be able to work 8 hours, on his feet and talking to customers. I convinced him to call the night before so they would have plenty of time to find someone to cover his shift. So if your "patient" has any appointments (other than a doctor's), work shifts, or plans, logically think if it is best that they still partake in any one of those, or help them to see why they should reschedule any of them.

I have learned after taking care of Keven for a week that I am not ready for kids! I can only imagine trying to take care of all of us, and what it would be like if 1 gets it and spreads it to the rest of us! (Not looking forward to that) Very thankful I was able to take care of an adult, who if he needed to, could do some things on his own while sick.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Do you like my sweater?

Hey guys, sorry for posting this so late. This week has been full of tests that have kept me occupied.

Last week was full of excitement! On Monday (02/11), Keven & I reached the 7 month mark in the anniversary book [[time is flyyyying]], Thursday (02/14) was our first Valentine's Day as a married couple, and Friday (02/15) was the Sadie Hawkins Dance at school. For those of you who may be unaware, a Sadie Hawkins Dance is just like any other dance but with a twist. Instead of the boys asking the girls to go, the girls are supposed to "make the first move" and ask their crush. When I first saw the flyer's around campus I thought "hey, that sounds fun!", but then I started to doubt and think "well I don't know who all will go, and it might be full of freshmen". Then I found out that a couple of our friends had already been asked by ladies, and were wondering if we were going to go. So later that evening I asked Keven, and with a warm smile he answered that he would love to go. Our group decided to go out to eat at a place downtown called California Dreamin'. This restaurant is very beautiful and sits right beside the Charleston Bay [they are also known for their fresh croissants that are drizzled with honey...YUM!]].

So next came finding what to wear. I went shopping on Wednesday to get a new dress, because I knew my cute little Sunday dress's wouldn't do. After looking around I finally found a dress that was length appropriate (since all the dresses were booty dresses on me >:0 ). I bought a cute dark purple dress, that had a see through, lace back (only the very top half). As for the guys, they decided to take to heart the lyrics of Relient K's Sadie Hawkins Dance song, and wore khakis and sweaters. When the dance was over our group had intended to go over to some one's apartment and play games. However, it was super late and as soon as we all sat down it was better to just relax and watch a movie. So we capped off the night by watching Shrek (I know, I know, we can get pretty c r a z y ) Overall the dance was fun, and it was a great time to hang out with our friend and make another memory before we graduate in May. :(

Here is the link to Relient K's song:
(I couldn't find the real music video, so this is close.)

The Yummy Croissants!
At California Dreamin'



Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine Mayhem

     Today is February 14, and whether you are married, in a relationship, or single everyone knows what today is. Most Americans have a skewed view of what today must be about. Many believe that you not only have to have a Valentine, but that you also have to worry about getting them a gift! These gifts often include: roses, chocolates, jewelry, cards, clothes, etc. Many people are so wrapped up in "spoiling" their loved one, that they go to any expense to do so. Don't get me wrong, I love gifts just as much as the next person, however, I don't think we should let society force us to think we have to have such items in order to show our love to someone else. Society has already done a great job making women think they must look like a stick to be "sexy", that we have to have the latest high-tech gadgets to be "accepted", that our clothes and looks make us who we are, etc. when in fact none of these things matter at all. What matters is that you are able to use today to reflect back on the days that you have shared with your spouse or loved one. To reminisce on all the joyous moments, and think about how you can try and prevent any moments that were not so great. It's not a day to compare your gifts to what others have received.

 As sad as it may be, I used to be one of those people who compared what I got to others. In high school it was easy to compare what I did or didn't get to the other girls receiving valentine's gifts. Since Keven and I didn't go to the same high school, or live in the same state, we were never able to spend Valentine's day together until College. But, back then I would always hope I would have a gorgeous bouquet of flowers waiting for me at home, or that I would have a new shiny piece of jewelry to show off to my girlfriends. It always felt like a competition, like you didn't have a "awesome" boyfriend if he didn't spoil you and empty out his bank account. [Now, I don't know about you, but Keven & I had to work in high school to get things we wanted. So when we bought each other gifts it was because we worked hard for our money, not because we took our mommy with us so she could buy it for us.] This being said, when you barely bring in $300 a month, it just didn't make sense to drop $50 on the cliche red roses, fancy chocolates, or giant teddy bear. What I'm trying to get at, is don't let people influence you on what you think you should receive on Valentine's day, appreciate whatever it is that you received. Keven is a great writer, and in high school would s p o i l  me with poems and songs. However, I never fully appreciated his writings because it wasn't something I could rub in someone else's face. How pathetic is that? Thankfully, I can still pull out one of those poems, read it, and the emotions I felt when I first read it flood over me all over again.  

     Now let me take a moment to brag on my man. Keven woke up at 8:30 AM (which is special in itself, because we don't have class till 11, and usually wake up at 10), cleaned part of the kitchen, and proceeded to surprise me with a Valentine's breakfast with three yellow roses (I don't care for the red ones, too cliche). This breakfast was so sweet because he made one of my favorite breakfast foods, pancakes! Not only did he make pancakes, he shaped the batter to look like a heart!! How cool is that? I was stoked to eat them, and the yummy (turkey) bacon on the side! He is also planning on a special evening, which includes cooking me some sort of yummy dinner, and then we may go see a movie, or get a redbox.

Happy Valentine's Day everyone! :)