
Tuesday, May 7, 2013

I'm a College Graduate Babayyy

This past Saturday was one of the biggest days of my life (one being the day I got married to this stud I met at summer camp, and the other is when I gave my life to my Savior...those are both stories for another day). That's right folks, three days ago (May 4th, 2013) I graduated COLLEGE!!! This is a huge deal because I am the first person in my family to graduate college. My parents worked for the air force, and my older brother followed in their foot steps. Two of my cousins have their associates degrees, and I have two aunts who attended college, i'm unsure if they received their bachelors, associates, or if they completed. That being said, it feels great to be the first to accomplish something this big!! [Now, if the Lord provides me with the chance to go to grad school, then i'll be the first to achieve their doctorate degree as well!!]

This weekend was sort of pretty chaotic. The rough part about having divorced parents is trying to coordinate with an additional family, that's right Keven and myself had to do our best coordinating with three families! [insert stressful image of pulling out my hair here.] However, it all seemed to work out. My dad surprised us and came in late Thursday night, giving us more time to spend with him and his significant other. They treated us to Ihop for breakfast, and then Longhorn steakhouse for dinner! Due to the cruddy weather Charleston gave us, we spent most of our time indoors this past weekend. Later that night my mom, step dad, and siblings came in along with Keven's parents. My family was only staying friday night, so after dinner we said bye to my dad and headed over to my moms hotel to hang out with them for a few hours. My little brother wanted to spend the night with us, so he enjoyed playing Mario Kart on the N64 with Keven, until we realized Keven didn't have his black dress slacks here, resulting in a trip to walmart at 11:45 pm -_-

So, then we reach Saturday. It basically went like this: rush around to get ready, sit in traffice, rush to find where the heck our classmates were being stashed, take random pics with the iphone, walk out to a cheering crowd making you feel like you were famous, sit down, listen to boring speeches, and wait for 500 names to be called so you could walk across stage, focus on not  tripping, and sit down like a giddy little girl who just recieved a note from their crush. I'm sure I annoyed everyone around me, because my mom sat on the left side of the colesium, while my dad and Keven's parents sat on the right side. So while sitting and listening spacing out to the speeches, I kept constantly looking over and smiling (before and after diploma was in hand). Although it could've been worst, I could have been some of the people who played on their phones the entire time (what's the point of even attending then?).

Anyways, everyone knows the drill afterwards. Call your families and try to meet up somewhere to take a million pictures. The only thing that sucked about Saturday was the fact that we did have to coordinate between 3 families, I wish I would have been able to take pics with my friends that I didn't get to see while being stashed in a hallway, oh well, it's done and over with. After several pictures, and my poor mother in law trying not to catch hypothermia, we went out for a good meal at cracker barrel! Then, after my dad messed around and gave the waitress a hard time, we said our goodbyes to my Dad and Lori, and changed to go meet Keven's brother's family at the beach. [yes, I know that with every cloud possibly in the sky, and rain sprinkling it's not the most ideal weather, but hey, this family was deteremined to go to the beach, and Kristofer surprised us by getting his shift switched so he could attend!] So, after being splashed by the high tide and getting a good 3 inches of my jeans soaked, we said our goodbyes to them, and met Keven's parents to see Iron Man 3 (highly recommend)! Afterwards they treated us to taco bell, and then to Ihop the next morning before church!

Sooooo, yeah. That was pretty much graduation weekend! It's cool to know that my side of the family is proud of me, and that I can inspire my little brother and sister to work hard and to graduate college as well. I know Keven's family is proud of me as well, but they raised 4 brilliant kids who all graduated college with some sort of Cum Laude! Taking a moment to brag: I really pray that the Lord blesses our kids with Keven's smarts. This guy graduated Valedvictorian of his highschool with a 5 point something GPA, and graduated college with Summa Cum Laude (3.9-4.0 GPA) and through the honors program (only 3 of the 567 that graduated that day graduated with honors). So yeah, I'm pretty proud of him and wish I could have done just as well, but my GPA is still good enough to apply for Physical Therapy School so I'm happy!!

Here are a few pics from this weekend: (I will work on making these bigger later, the blog or my computer won't let me resize them at the moment!)

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