
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

It's the Little Things

During the school year Keven and myself were both extremely busy. We spent most of our time going to classes, going to our four jobs, soccer practices/games, doing a ton of homework, studying for exams that all fell on the same week, trying to find time to be with our friends, or trying to stay human by eating or sleeping.

However, now that we've graduated, we have had a lot more free time. Don't get me wrong, looking for jobs online for countless hours is loads of fun, but sometimes it's nice to sit back and enjoy the little things in life. Now, these little things were exactly that, little. They were so small during our hectic schedules that I never had the chance to appreciate them.

So, here you go, here are some of the little things that I've been able to appreciate lately:

1. 2 Square
Last Tuesday Keven and I went to the beach for a few hours. After covering ourselves with sunscreen we figured we would play 2 square to let it all soak in and dry. Typically we like to play 4 square, but since it was only the two of us we just drew two boxes in the sand and began to play. It was great just being able to play with Keven. Sometimes when we play games or sports with our friends I get embarrassed if I miss a shot or if I lost the point for our team or what not. But, when I play games with Keven, I know he doesn't judge me, which is great because if I mess up he's always there to encourage me to bring my spirits back up.

2. Snuggling
During the school year we would always get up early for classes, and stay up late doing homework. Then the weekends would consist of Keven working most of the time, so we would have to do more homework or studying around his work schedule. So we never really got to enjoy much snuggling time, because we thought we should spend it doing school work. (However, there were several times where we were so tired we would go cuddle and nap in bed...I mean you need energy to focus on assignments right?). But lately, we've been cuddling on the couch when we watch movies, or as we're waking up in the morning (and boy, it sure is nice)!

3. Creamer
We ran out of coffee creamer about two or more weeks ago. And somehow it has been forgotten on the shopping list. So last night while buying groceries, I saw it while looking at yogurts and remembered to pick so up. (ironically it was not on the list again). There's just something about creamer in coffee that tastes wayyyy better than using milk!

4. Painting
With all this free time, I've been spending my time trying to be creative and paint on canvases. Since graduating I have completed 8 paintings!! Whooo Hooo!!

5. Reading Together
This past semester we took our final English class, and the only time we read together was when we read stories for class. Yet, lately we've been finishing this book we started last summer. Keven's sister gave it to us before we got married. It's a great book that talks about the intimate side of marriage and how important it is to keep the romance alive. I highly recommend it (just message me and I'll give you the title ... due to having younger people follow me on Facebook I want to keep this rated G). It's been nice to get all ready for bed, snuggle up, and read a new chapter. Then discuss what we found important or answer the questions the book tells us to ask each other. I have definitely enjoyed reading in's to hoping we can continue this! :)

6. Precious Nieces
This past weekend we drove up to Greenville, SC for a graduation party Keven's church family was throwing for all the graduates in the church. So, to make the most of the 36 hours we began our trip at 5:30 AM Saturday morning. This gave us plenty of time to hang out with Keven's family. It's always fun staying with his parents, because his older brother and his family are living with his parents while they transition back to the mission field in a few months. That means that my precious 5 year old niece Richelle and my other adorable 3 year old niece Anara are always begging us to play with them. I do my best to put any exhaustion aside, and bring out my inner kid to make their day enjoyable! On Sunday evening we played monster with them for a bit after dinner, so they had some more playing time before going to bed. Once their mom, Charity, told them that they needed to say good night and good bye (we were leaving at 8 pm), they both became really sad and when Richelle came to hug me she started crying and whispered in my ear "I don't want you to go, I love you Aunt Jordyn". Absolutely  broke  my  heart!! I had to convince her that we would be back soon to play some more! Ahh, she is such a sweetie. Earlier that weekend she just paused in the middle of playing kitties and looked at me and said "Aunt Jordyn, I love you so much, you are so fun to play with", followed with the best hug a 5 year old could give. This just overwhelms my heart with joy!

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